Moms Of Faith

Posts Tagged ‘world hunger

I found this an interesting way to donate food for the hungry:

This website offers a game way to donating. They give you a word (not easy ones) and then four possible definitions, you choose the correct one and they will donate 10 grains of rice. So for every word you define correctly you are donating 10 grains to a hungry person through an international aid agency.

So for those of you out there who LOVE word games, give a chance.

Note: For those of you (like me) who aren’t word geniuses, try Googling the word by typing define:word <——-you substitute word here.

Example: truculent means:


  1. trashy
  2. regular
  3. presumptuous
  4. savage

The Hunger Site

October 14-20th is World Hunger week! Please do your part to help end world hunger!

My four year old daughter and I pray about hunger daily, she feels this is more important than anything else for her to pray about. If a four year old can find hunger important enough to talk to God about shouldn’t we? Hunger claims the lives of 25,000 people each day and 18,000 hungry children die each day. How many more have to forfeit their lives before we as a community come together to say enough is enough?! As (a mostly overweight) nation, we, each, consume somewhere around 1500 pounds of food a year! While most of us wasted nearly $100 billion of edible food last year, 854 million people do not have enough to eat–thats more than the populations of USA, Canada and the European Union. One in seven people on the planet suffer from hunger and more than 60 percent of chronically hungry people are women, which should strike most of us women as deeply disturbing…60% of 854 million people, thats 512 million women.

As a mother, I find this statistic the most heartbreaking: every five seconds a child dies because she or he is hungry. In the time it has take you to read just this far, nine children have died due to hunger. 9.7 million children under five died in developing countries in 2006. Malnutrition and hunger-related diseases caused 60 percent of the deaths.

When do we say ENOUGH! If we all helped out just a little, we could easily end world hunger. It takes standing up for those who can’t stand up for themselves and it might even mean a little sacrifice from us, but isn’t it worth it. Help stop the hunger and death!
Visit these sights for more details on how YOU can help:

We are all God’s people! and we must do our part to save those who cannot save themselves!

–All statistics can be found at:

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