Moms Of Faith

Posts Tagged ‘Christianity

As many of my favorite bloggers have been doing, I have decided to put into writing our family’s goals for 2009.  We are very excited about getting started this year, as last year we were able to meet so many of our goals.  Not as many as we would have liked but it was a start.  We were able to buy a house (only by the grace of our Almighty God) and paid off our car, but we were unable to pay off as much on our school loans and credit cards as we would have liked. A couple of our major goals for this year is to reduce our consumer debt/spending, as well as save $2000 ( doesn’t sound like a lot I know).  Wonderful Hubby wants to get a couple more certifications in the computer field and I would like to generate at least a part time income from home.

One of my biggest personal goals for the new year is to stop yelling.  This one is kind of a embarrassing one for me to publish.  I HATE that I yell, in fact my children may listen less BECAUSE I yell.  KG is so sensitive and the yelling really seems to wound her.  So this is a big one.  I would also like to lose the last 10 pounds of post baby weight (everyone has this goal I think).  I want to keep my house a smidgen cleaner than I do currently…I hate doing dishes and laundry.  I want to keep blogging, but do it daily and expand my horizons. I also want to make some new bloggy friends.  I want to continue to teach KG outside of her public school and expand her horizons more this year by introducing her to fine art and theater, as well as her father teaching her more about computers and electronics. I want to spend at least 10 minutes twice a day in the Word and grow my relationship with my Savior.  This is  another BIG goal for 2009.  My last big personal goal for this year is to expand my missions.  I want to help people all over the world, but I want to start right here in the state of Kentucky.  This will take a major “God” movement, as my church is not currently a missions focused church.  I currently teach 2-5 year olds about Missions, but I haven’t personally been on any mission trips…I desperately want to change this.

Financial Goals:

  • Save $2000 in high-interest savings account
  • Pay off credit cards
  • Pay an extra month’s mortgage this year.
  • Control consumer spending, by cutting grocery bill from $200 a month to $100.
  • Reduce school loans by half (they are currently at $10,000)
  • Generate income online
  • Tithe 10%
  • Continue giving outside of Tithing

I plan to post my specific Goals for this blog tomorrow, so be sure to check back.

What are you goals for the New Year?  Feel free to link to your post in your comments.


As many of my favorite bloggers have been doing, I have decided to put into writing our family’s goals for 2009.  We are very excited about getting started this year, as last year we were able to meet so many of our goals.  Not as many as we would have liked but it was a start.  We were able to buy a house (only by the grace of our Almighty God) and paid off our car, but we were unable to pay off as much on our school loans and credit cards as we would have liked. A couple of our major goals for this year is to reduce our consumer debt/spending, as well as save $2000 ( doesn’t sound like a lot I know).  Wonderful Hubby wants to get a couple more certifications in the computer field and I would like to generate at least a part time income from home.

One of my biggest personal goals for the new year is to stop yelling.  This one is kind of a embarrassing one for me to publish.  I HATE that I yell, in fact my children may listen less BECAUSE I yell.  KG is so sensitive and the yelling really seems to wound her.  So this is a big one.  I would also like to lose the last 10 pounds of post baby weight (everyone has this goal I think).  I want to keep my house a smidgen cleaner than I do currently…I hate doing dishes and laundry.  I want to keep blogging, but do it daily and expand my horizons. I also want to make some new bloggy friends.  I want to continue to teach KG outside of her public school and expand her horizons more this year by introducing her to fine art and theater, as well as her father teaching her more about computers and electronics. I want to spend at least 10 minutes twice a day in the Word and grow my relationship with my Savior.  This is  another BIG goal for 2009.  My last big personal goal for this year is to expand my missions.  I want to help people all over the world, but I want/have to start right here in the state of Kentucky.  This will take a major “God” movement, as my church is not currently a missions focused church.  I currently teach 2-5 year olds about Missions, but I haven’t personally been on any mission trips…I desperately want to change this.

Financial Goals:

  • Save $2000 in high-interest savings account
  • Pay off credit cards
  • Pay an extra month’s mortgage this year.
  • Control consumer spending, by cutting grocery bill from $200 a month to $100.
  • Reduce school loans by half (they are currently at $10,000)
  • Generate income online
  • Tithe 10%
  • Continue giving outside of Tithing

What are you goals for the New Year?  Feel free to link to your post in your comments.

For More Blissfully Domestic posts, be sure to check out I am Blissfully Domestic and leave a comment!

About once a week KG and I like to sit down and work on some kind of project. As last week was Easter week, I thought we could work on a Thankfulness Project. Over on Mom Unplugged the theme for her weekly Unplugged Project was “Eggs”, but as KG and I had already started cutting out the pictures she would use for this project, we decided to finish this one. KG and I cut out different pictures from magazines of things she and other children might be thankful for. I was amazed at some of the things she picked out. A mom taking her child’s temperature (which she translated as moms who take care of sick kids); tomatoes (she won’t eat these); and lots of pictures of homes (we’re in the market). I think it reflects how she is understanding that while she may not like some things, she should still be thankful to God for them.

After she got done gluing the pictures to the poster board, which I cut into many sizes so we could do a few more projects with it, she colored pictures and even wrote a song on the board. The song goes something like this (it’s in musical notes) : “God blesses me everyday, Thank You God!” Sang to the tune of the first line of “God Bless America”. How cute! I love it~Unplugged Project-Thankfulness

Next week’s project is “Rocks” and I can only hope we can come up with something BEFORE we leave for Ashlee’s wedding!

” ‘Come now, let us reason together,’ says the Lord. ‘Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool.’ “

Isaiah 1:18

God has recently been speaking to my heart about missions. I have always felt a strong draw to missions, but recently God has been pushing me to take a more active role in my community. The first step God pressed on my heart was to start our Adult Missions Group back up in church. We had a interested parties meeting yesterday right after church…I had about 8 people interested! I thought that was GREAT! I have asked that they go home and spend the next week or so praying about their role in the group and what God is telling them this group should be focusing on. My top priority is glorifying God in all we do and I want us to work together as a single unit.

I’ll be honest, I’m scared to death. When I asked the last leader of the group for any suggestions all she said was “Its hard.” So thats a little nerve shaking. I want to make my God smile…I want to make His name glorified! I want to expand His kingdom beyond all human imagination! Glory to the God on Highest! There are a lot of wonderful Christ-filled people interesting in being a part of the group.

Please be in prayer with me as I pray for direction. I know God has called me to this and I only have to trust Him and He will lead us. Any positive ideas for how our group can impact our community would be great! I was thinking about visiting the elderly in the nursing homes and volunteering at homeless shelters…My God is driving and pulling me to impact our community positively! Our time is short! We should feel a pull for not only our personal lost but those we don’t know…because God tells us we are ALL His children. Join with me in impacting our community! everyday.

Father God,

Thank you for the opportunity to serve Your people and Your name! Father, truly You are the Most High God! I praise Your might and grace! Lord, please be with me in the time to come as I strive to bring new glory to Your name! Direct me O’ God in the paths you want this group to take! Show me the path to follow…Be clear with me God! I am an ignorant and sinful creature. Forgive my shortcomings and us me for Your Will! Thank You again Father for this wonderful opportunity!

In Jesus’ Name,


“Therefore let us not sleep, as others do, but let us watch and be sober. “

1 Thessalonians 5:6

“Search me, O God, and know my heart; try me and know my anxious thoughts; and see if there be any hurtful way in me, and lead me in the everlasting way.”

Psalms 139: 23, 24

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