Moms Of Faith

Posts Tagged ‘blogging

For those of you who have noticed I have my first button!!  My good bloggy friend Dawn from Painter Mommy made this awesome button for Mom Of Faith.  I love it! How great is it? Looks so good!! Thank you Dawn, you are the BEST!! Go grab the button and put it on your site…please??


For those of you who haven’t already checked out Painter Mommy, GO! Dawn is a talented artist, blogger, and VA…she is also an awesome person! Painter Mommy is sponsoring a Valentine’s Day Giveaway Bash right now over at her blog. She’s offering a great combination of prizes including a trip to Mexico,  a beautiful carved necklace, some wonderful candles, a beautiful print for your wall, and so much more! All you have to do is run over there and tell her what you want the most and why.  There will be THREE winners!


Yesterday was the first day back to school after the looooonnnggg holiday break. It was great.  I got some quiet time during naptime and got lots of work done.  KG didn’t have any trouble getting up for school or listening while there.  KJ missed KG like crazy though, she kept going through the house calling for her “sista”…I kept trying to explain to her that yes, KG was in fact at school.  But suspicious child that she is, she just didn’t believe me.  I’m so impressed with KG’s improvements in reading, she’s reading very well and retains most of the “rules”.  So, now it’s time to get back to the real world of earlier mornings, back packs,  homework, & lunchboxes…It’s days like yesterday that makes me wish KG was home schooled.  The house is quiet without her.  She brightens everything and brings a smile into a house. I know her teachers do a fabulous job with her and she LOVES school…all that human interaction.  She loves being around people and learning, she loves her teachers, and the lunchlady.  Though it is hard for her to leave me most mornings, which is why I don’t take her most days.  It’s hard for me to watch her walk down the hall away from and know she’s one step closer to growing up.

I got lots of online work done yesterday, but my house is a disaster. I’m sure poor hubs is wondering when he will ever see the top of the counter again, but I just can’t be bothered to clean…=) I kid of course.  I am going to take most of the day off today and clean the house, because tomorrow will be SO busy I just won’t have enough time to do it.  How do you all you mommy bloggers find time to do it all?  Keep your houses clean, children clean and fed, and your fabulous blogs running?  You guys are my heroes.  I’m exhausted today and am sure if I don’t take a nap soon I’ll fall face first on this keyboard and be out of it.

KJ’s going through this “phase” we’ll call the velcro phase.  I’m not sure why we call it a phase, because it’s been going on for as long as I can I remember.  When exactly will she grow out of it?  WHEN?  I need my space back! Now, I know I’ll miss it when it’s gone…but that time seems like it will never come. I don’t want her to just decide she doesn’t want anything to do with me.  No, I just want her to figure out she can, in fact, survive with out me for just a second. KJ did do a good job going to the potty yesterday BEFORE KG got home, but after we picked her up from school KJ decided she just couldn’t be bothered by pottys and big girl panties.  KJ’s vocabulary just keeps expanding and she becomes more like her sister, and therefore me, every day.  She’s so funny…and rough.  She could beat the pants off a jackal.  Poor KG stands no chance against her, my poor sensitive child.  It’s a good thing they have such a strong love for one another.

As many of my favorite bloggers have been doing, I have decided to put into writing our family’s goals for 2009.  We are very excited about getting started this year, as last year we were able to meet so many of our goals.  Not as many as we would have liked but it was a start.  We were able to buy a house (only by the grace of our Almighty God) and paid off our car, but we were unable to pay off as much on our school loans and credit cards as we would have liked. A couple of our major goals for this year is to reduce our consumer debt/spending, as well as save $2000 ( doesn’t sound like a lot I know).  Wonderful Hubby wants to get a couple more certifications in the computer field and I would like to generate at least a part time income from home.

One of my biggest personal goals for the new year is to stop yelling.  This one is kind of a embarrassing one for me to publish.  I HATE that I yell, in fact my children may listen less BECAUSE I yell.  KG is so sensitive and the yelling really seems to wound her.  So this is a big one.  I would also like to lose the last 10 pounds of post baby weight (everyone has this goal I think).  I want to keep my house a smidgen cleaner than I do currently…I hate doing dishes and laundry.  I want to keep blogging, but do it daily and expand my horizons. I also want to make some new bloggy friends.  I want to continue to teach KG outside of her public school and expand her horizons more this year by introducing her to fine art and theater, as well as her father teaching her more about computers and electronics. I want to spend at least 10 minutes twice a day in the Word and grow my relationship with my Savior.  This is  another BIG goal for 2009.  My last big personal goal for this year is to expand my missions.  I want to help people all over the world, but I want to start right here in the state of Kentucky.  This will take a major “God” movement, as my church is not currently a missions focused church.  I currently teach 2-5 year olds about Missions, but I haven’t personally been on any mission trips…I desperately want to change this.

Financial Goals:

  • Save $2000 in high-interest savings account
  • Pay off credit cards
  • Pay an extra month’s mortgage this year.
  • Control consumer spending, by cutting grocery bill from $200 a month to $100.
  • Reduce school loans by half (they are currently at $10,000)
  • Generate income online
  • Tithe 10%
  • Continue giving outside of Tithing

I plan to post my specific Goals for this blog tomorrow, so be sure to check back.

What are you goals for the New Year?  Feel free to link to your post in your comments.


As many of my favorite bloggers have been doing, I have decided to put into writing our family’s goals for 2009.  We are very excited about getting started this year, as last year we were able to meet so many of our goals.  Not as many as we would have liked but it was a start.  We were able to buy a house (only by the grace of our Almighty God) and paid off our car, but we were unable to pay off as much on our school loans and credit cards as we would have liked. A couple of our major goals for this year is to reduce our consumer debt/spending, as well as save $2000 ( doesn’t sound like a lot I know).  Wonderful Hubby wants to get a couple more certifications in the computer field and I would like to generate at least a part time income from home.

One of my biggest personal goals for the new year is to stop yelling.  This one is kind of a embarrassing one for me to publish.  I HATE that I yell, in fact my children may listen less BECAUSE I yell.  KG is so sensitive and the yelling really seems to wound her.  So this is a big one.  I would also like to lose the last 10 pounds of post baby weight (everyone has this goal I think).  I want to keep my house a smidgen cleaner than I do currently…I hate doing dishes and laundry.  I want to keep blogging, but do it daily and expand my horizons. I also want to make some new bloggy friends.  I want to continue to teach KG outside of her public school and expand her horizons more this year by introducing her to fine art and theater, as well as her father teaching her more about computers and electronics. I want to spend at least 10 minutes twice a day in the Word and grow my relationship with my Savior.  This is  another BIG goal for 2009.  My last big personal goal for this year is to expand my missions.  I want to help people all over the world, but I want/have to start right here in the state of Kentucky.  This will take a major “God” movement, as my church is not currently a missions focused church.  I currently teach 2-5 year olds about Missions, but I haven’t personally been on any mission trips…I desperately want to change this.

Financial Goals:

  • Save $2000 in high-interest savings account
  • Pay off credit cards
  • Pay an extra month’s mortgage this year.
  • Control consumer spending, by cutting grocery bill from $200 a month to $100.
  • Reduce school loans by half (they are currently at $10,000)
  • Generate income online
  • Tithe 10%
  • Continue giving outside of Tithing

What are you goals for the New Year?  Feel free to link to your post in your comments.

For More Blissfully Domestic posts, be sure to check out I am Blissfully Domestic and leave a comment!

I have recently been interested in trying out some online scrapbooking sites, since I personally have ZERO crafty talent.  Seriously.  Not a crafty/artistic bone in my body.  This has always been a bit of a bummer for me, both of my parents are talented artists and the gene just skipped my generation.  My only hope now is one of the girls inherits it.  Back to scrapbooking though.  You see, I love the look of scrapbooks, but just don’t have time of artistic talent to undertake a project like a scrapbook.  Recently, I have been yearning for some really cute scrapbooks of KG’s 5th birthday and would like one of her first week of school.  So in doing some research I have found that you can get this done for free online wiby using some really adorable and well put together scrapbooking sites.  A couple of the sites that interest me most include: you can create a beautiful scrapbook in less than five minutes and add music, videos, and of course pictures.  The fantastic themes are designed by Hallmark, Making Memories, and many more.  You can even email, blog, or save your scrapbook to your hard drive. site has more thingamajigs and dohickeys to layer on your special pages than I have ever seen.  This site includes hip templates and even allows you to create your own by using their selection of thousands of different stickers, frames, fonts, and backgrounds.  You can email or upload your pages to your blog for FREE.

I know there are tons of these on the inter-web, but these are the only two I have had time to try out.  Please leave me a comment if you know of any more great sites to help my poor un-crafty self.  For more helpful tips, checkout BeCentsAble‘s Tipster Tuesday.  and If you aren’t already check back with BeCentsAble on Monday and Thursdays for their Grocery Gathering.

My wonderful and ever intelligent Hubby has started his very own blog!  *applause*  We’ve only been discussing this option for 6+ months now…but I am so proud of him!  Bear in mind he has only posted once, at 2am this morning, to make sure it works…but anything he does is well thought out and well put together.  As many of you know already, Hubby is a computer technician by trade and is an ever expanding wealth of knowledge concerning all things computer related.  Hubby is planning on covering many different computer problems and their solutions in the coming weeks/months.  I have also asked that he do a guest blog for me on Fridays, tentatively called “Fix It Friday”.  If you have any computer related questions, please leave them as a comment or send me an email and he will be answering these on Friday mornings.  In the meantime, Please check out his new blog, Fix This Computer! Feel free to leave him constructive comments with ideas of what you would like to see covered.  A link to his blog will aways be accessable through my blogroll.

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