Moms Of Faith

Posts Tagged ‘family

Yesterday was the first day back to school after the looooonnnggg holiday break. It was great.  I got some quiet time during naptime and got lots of work done.  KG didn’t have any trouble getting up for school or listening while there.  KJ missed KG like crazy though, she kept going through the house calling for her “sista”…I kept trying to explain to her that yes, KG was in fact at school.  But suspicious child that she is, she just didn’t believe me.  I’m so impressed with KG’s improvements in reading, she’s reading very well and retains most of the “rules”.  So, now it’s time to get back to the real world of earlier mornings, back packs,  homework, & lunchboxes…It’s days like yesterday that makes me wish KG was home schooled.  The house is quiet without her.  She brightens everything and brings a smile into a house. I know her teachers do a fabulous job with her and she LOVES school…all that human interaction.  She loves being around people and learning, she loves her teachers, and the lunchlady.  Though it is hard for her to leave me most mornings, which is why I don’t take her most days.  It’s hard for me to watch her walk down the hall away from and know she’s one step closer to growing up.

I got lots of online work done yesterday, but my house is a disaster. I’m sure poor hubs is wondering when he will ever see the top of the counter again, but I just can’t be bothered to clean…=) I kid of course.  I am going to take most of the day off today and clean the house, because tomorrow will be SO busy I just won’t have enough time to do it.  How do you all you mommy bloggers find time to do it all?  Keep your houses clean, children clean and fed, and your fabulous blogs running?  You guys are my heroes.  I’m exhausted today and am sure if I don’t take a nap soon I’ll fall face first on this keyboard and be out of it.

KJ’s going through this “phase” we’ll call the velcro phase.  I’m not sure why we call it a phase, because it’s been going on for as long as I can I remember.  When exactly will she grow out of it?  WHEN?  I need my space back! Now, I know I’ll miss it when it’s gone…but that time seems like it will never come. I don’t want her to just decide she doesn’t want anything to do with me.  No, I just want her to figure out she can, in fact, survive with out me for just a second. KJ did do a good job going to the potty yesterday BEFORE KG got home, but after we picked her up from school KJ decided she just couldn’t be bothered by pottys and big girl panties.  KJ’s vocabulary just keeps expanding and she becomes more like her sister, and therefore me, every day.  She’s so funny…and rough.  She could beat the pants off a jackal.  Poor KG stands no chance against her, my poor sensitive child.  It’s a good thing they have such a strong love for one another.

As many of my favorite bloggers have been doing, I have decided to put into writing our family’s goals for 2009.  We are very excited about getting started this year, as last year we were able to meet so many of our goals.  Not as many as we would have liked but it was a start.  We were able to buy a house (only by the grace of our Almighty God) and paid off our car, but we were unable to pay off as much on our school loans and credit cards as we would have liked. A couple of our major goals for this year is to reduce our consumer debt/spending, as well as save $2000 ( doesn’t sound like a lot I know).  Wonderful Hubby wants to get a couple more certifications in the computer field and I would like to generate at least a part time income from home.

One of my biggest personal goals for the new year is to stop yelling.  This one is kind of a embarrassing one for me to publish.  I HATE that I yell, in fact my children may listen less BECAUSE I yell.  KG is so sensitive and the yelling really seems to wound her.  So this is a big one.  I would also like to lose the last 10 pounds of post baby weight (everyone has this goal I think).  I want to keep my house a smidgen cleaner than I do currently…I hate doing dishes and laundry.  I want to keep blogging, but do it daily and expand my horizons. I also want to make some new bloggy friends.  I want to continue to teach KG outside of her public school and expand her horizons more this year by introducing her to fine art and theater, as well as her father teaching her more about computers and electronics. I want to spend at least 10 minutes twice a day in the Word and grow my relationship with my Savior.  This is  another BIG goal for 2009.  My last big personal goal for this year is to expand my missions.  I want to help people all over the world, but I want to start right here in the state of Kentucky.  This will take a major “God” movement, as my church is not currently a missions focused church.  I currently teach 2-5 year olds about Missions, but I haven’t personally been on any mission trips…I desperately want to change this.

Financial Goals:

  • Save $2000 in high-interest savings account
  • Pay off credit cards
  • Pay an extra month’s mortgage this year.
  • Control consumer spending, by cutting grocery bill from $200 a month to $100.
  • Reduce school loans by half (they are currently at $10,000)
  • Generate income online
  • Tithe 10%
  • Continue giving outside of Tithing

I plan to post my specific Goals for this blog tomorrow, so be sure to check back.

What are you goals for the New Year?  Feel free to link to your post in your comments.


As many of my favorite bloggers have been doing, I have decided to put into writing our family’s goals for 2009.  We are very excited about getting started this year, as last year we were able to meet so many of our goals.  Not as many as we would have liked but it was a start.  We were able to buy a house (only by the grace of our Almighty God) and paid off our car, but we were unable to pay off as much on our school loans and credit cards as we would have liked. A couple of our major goals for this year is to reduce our consumer debt/spending, as well as save $2000 ( doesn’t sound like a lot I know).  Wonderful Hubby wants to get a couple more certifications in the computer field and I would like to generate at least a part time income from home.

One of my biggest personal goals for the new year is to stop yelling.  This one is kind of a embarrassing one for me to publish.  I HATE that I yell, in fact my children may listen less BECAUSE I yell.  KG is so sensitive and the yelling really seems to wound her.  So this is a big one.  I would also like to lose the last 10 pounds of post baby weight (everyone has this goal I think).  I want to keep my house a smidgen cleaner than I do currently…I hate doing dishes and laundry.  I want to keep blogging, but do it daily and expand my horizons. I also want to make some new bloggy friends.  I want to continue to teach KG outside of her public school and expand her horizons more this year by introducing her to fine art and theater, as well as her father teaching her more about computers and electronics. I want to spend at least 10 minutes twice a day in the Word and grow my relationship with my Savior.  This is  another BIG goal for 2009.  My last big personal goal for this year is to expand my missions.  I want to help people all over the world, but I want/have to start right here in the state of Kentucky.  This will take a major “God” movement, as my church is not currently a missions focused church.  I currently teach 2-5 year olds about Missions, but I haven’t personally been on any mission trips…I desperately want to change this.

Financial Goals:

  • Save $2000 in high-interest savings account
  • Pay off credit cards
  • Pay an extra month’s mortgage this year.
  • Control consumer spending, by cutting grocery bill from $200 a month to $100.
  • Reduce school loans by half (they are currently at $10,000)
  • Generate income online
  • Tithe 10%
  • Continue giving outside of Tithing

What are you goals for the New Year?  Feel free to link to your post in your comments.

For More Blissfully Domestic posts, be sure to check out I am Blissfully Domestic and leave a comment!

We are taking this week as our “vacation” from the outside world, so I will not be posting quite as much.  However, We will still be participating in 24/7 MOMS blog tour on Thursday so be sure to stop back by then!  Hubby will also be posting his Fix It Friday column on Thursday night, so be sure to check that out also.

We are meeting one of my sisters in Cherokee, NC to go camping Friday morning and until then I am going to be packing and cleaning…not to mention that I have must start packing our house.  We went to Cherokee last year to go camping and loved it so much we decided to make this our permanant camping spot.  My sisters, their significant others, and my family go camping every year in the fall; since KG starts school at the first of August we had to move the date up a bit.  We are also taking KJ for the first time ever so we got cabins this year.  Our favorite spot to camp in Cherokee is Indian Creek Campgrounds, we went tent camping last year here and it’s so quiet and serene…we just fell in love.  It’s also affordable, we are staying in a 4 person cabin for $50 a night.  The cabin has two double beds, Hubby and I will get one-sister and hubby will get the other, KG is going to sleep on an air mattress, and KJ will sleep in her Pack and Play.  We are staying 3 nights/4 days so the total cost for lodging will be $150 split between my sister and me.  So we are only paying $75 to go camping for three nights, break that down and we’re paying $25 a night-you can’t do that in a hotel. You also can’t put a price on the fun we have all sharing the same space…for a short period of time anyway.

We aren’t planning on doing too much while we’re there, however we will make time to check out the Oconaluftee Village and have a picnic on the little island they have in the middle of town. We might also take some time and go see the Museum of the Cherokee Indian while we’re there.  Our big thing this year is to do it as frugally as possible and still have the one on one time we look forward to each year.  There will be no TVs, no phone service, no computers…just family.  I can’t wait.  I NEED this time.  This is the last vacation before KG starts school.  Oh, and I almost forgot we love to eat local food made by locals so we will be eating out once on this trip and it will be at Granny’s Kitchen…they’re supposed to have the best traditional buffet around.  Another tip we tend to follow is to only buy items made there on the Reservation.  We want to support the local trade and economy as much as possible, while still supporting our pocketbooks =)

What are you doing this summer to connect with family and friends?

I want to take the opportunity every Thursday to write a little about what I am thankful for in this life.  God has given me SO many blessings in my life and I feel pressed to share with you weekly what the Lord is doing in my life and the lives around me.

Last Friday, 4th of July, a UofL wide receiver was shot outside a downtown Louisville nightclub early Saturday morning after an altercation inside.  He was shot in the back in a parking garage in downtown Louisville.  That parking garage is the very same garage my husband parks his car in while at work.  He could have been there when that gun went off…if it had not been a national holiday.  The wide receiver was shot at 19 times and had the bullet hit him four inches in another direction, University of Louisville could have lost a very valuable person…not just a player, but a person. Someone’s son, fiance, friend…you get it.

Most of the time when we hear about a football player involved in a club shooting you are likely to think…”Just another sports player getting in trouble.”  But you see, THIS player was kind, considerate, and some would call him “up-lifting”.  He worked on the team’s Habitat for Humanity house and would be the first one the coach goes to when bringing a recruit in town.  On this “Thankful Thursday“, I am also Thankful that this man was spared by our merciful God.  Please check out Sting My Heart for more reasons to be thankful.

What are you thankful for today?

If you’re like me you are always looking for a new recipe to nourish your family, but cookbooks can get expensive and what’s the chance your family will even eat most of the recipies? For me the chance of that ever happening is pretty slim. KG won’t eat “green things” (herbs), lettuce (salad), baked bean, anything new; in fact, it might be simpler to write what she WILL eat. Green beans, peas, corn ON THE COB (not off), mashed potatoes, mac & cheese, spaghetti, chicken, hamburgers (sometimes), hamburger helper, pizza…you get the idea, safe food. Hubby, the same deal…not open to much, and I can see that KJ is following right along in their footsteps. I, on the other hand, am open to new tastes and flavors…no, I CRAVE new tastes and flavors. I want to cook out of my comfort zone and still stay within my comfort zone…you know? Am I making sense? Well…I have discovered a few great websites which feed my need for new ideas, but don’t eat my wallet at the same time. Here are just a few of my favorites:

Canned Food Alliance
Dare Foods (Makers of the Breton crackers)
Domino Sugar
Eden Foods
Food Network
Land O’Lakes
Reynolds Kitchens

I know there are thousands of webstes available to you thanks to the handy dandy internet and I am always looking for new recipes. I would love to hear some of your favorite recipes or online resources. For more great Works for Me Wednesday ideas, check out Rocks In My Dryer!

I absolutely LOVE holiday weekends…that is until Monday morning when I wake up to an early morning doctor’s appointment for KG and a house that appears to have been turned upside down and shaken.  Sigh.  It’s after noon now and to be honest all I have managed to accomplish today has been the doctor’s appointment and some minor business call and some work on the computer.  KG is at my Aunt’s again to swim and KJ is in bed napping.  As this will be her only true nap for the day, I am taking advantage of it and get all the computing done now.

We managed to get the house inspected, kinda, have a yard sale, go to the play ground, teach Sunday School, visit with family, go grocery shopping, do a mystery shop, and we managed to find the time to sit down and watch two movies just me and hubby.  However, we did NOT find time to clean up.  I cannot even begin to discribe to you what our home looks like right now.  Oh my.  I would be embarrassed to allow anyone to come over with it looking the way it does.  My aunt will be bringing Kyla home later, so it will have to be picked up soon..and I have to walk up to the realtor’s office to day to give her the “Good Faith Deposit.”

We picked up a couple of new surge protectors to use in the new place.  We want to be able to just hit a couple of buttons and all of our electronics and appliance will shut down immediately.  We’re lazy and we just want to be able to do it as quickly and efficiently as possible. We have also purchased a water filtration system to put under the sink so we don’t have to keep using just our pitcher.  I know it sounds like a lot of purchases already, but everything we have bought was on clearance and will be money-saving in the long run.  I don’t think we have spent over $10 on anything…so I feel like we’re doing okay so far.  I know we also really needed those things to help us be more energy conscious.

At the yard sale on Saturday, it rained on us, it was overcast and gloomy all day, we didn’t have much traffic…but I still managed to make $75 and acquire some great items for the new house.  I got the cutest toilet paper shelf for FREE, a shelf for the utility room and a tea maker for $2.00, and a shelf for KJ’s room for FREE also!  Aside from the money and goodies, I had a great time hanging out with my dad, ex-stepmother, and aunt for 8 hours.  It was a lot of fun!  My aunt and I always manage to have a good time together…we’re a lot alike I think.  She has always been like a mother to me, since I was small…She is like a grandmother to my girls.  We’re goofy. All of us.  All of our combined left over “stuff” was taken directly to our local Goodwill and donated that day.

What did you all do this weekend?  Did you have a yard sale or a cookout?  Did you travel or stay close to home?

I, regrettably, nearly forgot to mention this important part of the month. October is Pastor Appreciation Month!! If you are blessed as we, Providence Baptist Church, are….then you not only have a wonderful pastor, but also a wonderful pastoral family. Do something nice for your pastor and their family in the next few days, if you haven’t already. Pastors are people who love, teach, and lead you and your family. So to all those wonderful pastor and their families I say: Thank You, you work vigorously, often neglecting personal needs to give us comfort and direction. You do so much, yet you receive so little in return. May God bless you as you continue to guide us into a deeper relationship with Him.

To find some great ideas on how to say “Thank You” to your pastor through out the year check out 8 Ways to Encourage Your Pastor. I plan to start implementing many of these ideas, the ones I am not doing already, this month. I LOVE the idea of having a testimony time during your church service as is suggested at Ideas to Honor Your Pastor. Whatever you choose to do this month…make sure you tell your Pastor (& family) how much you appreciate and love them.

Hebrews 13:7 (MSG)
Appreciate your pastoral leaders who gave you the Word of God. Take a good look at the way they live, and let their faithfulness instruct you, as well as their truthfulness.

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